Virtual Minute Taking

Our minute-takers will attend the live virtual meetings via Zoom or Teams meeting platforms, or teleconference, and document the meeting minutes for you.

Our minute-takers can attend live virtual meetings and draft minutes from various virtual meeting platforms.

Book a minute-taker for your virtual meeting, send us the meeting link or call-in information along with meeting agenda and supporting materials. Our minute-taker will attend the live virtual meeting and you will receive the draft minutes within five days.

  • Meetings through virtual meeting platforms
  • Zoom Meetings, Teams Meetings, or GoTo Meetings
  • Meetings over the phone or conference calls
  • Meetings in audio or video recordings

Please contact us to ensure your minute-taker is present at your virtual meeting.

You can reach us on +1 (202) 888-0899 +1 (604) 891-6228, or drop us an email on, or contact us online.

Do you need a minute-taker for In-Person meeting, live conference, or event?

Contact us today to book a minute-taker for your live meetings and events, and our minute-taker will attend the meetings in-person and draft meeting minutes for you.

Got recordings of your past meetings?

If you already have your meetings recorded in audio or video file, upload your recordings here and we will document the meeting minutes for you.

For bulk orders, please reach out to us for a secure upload link where you can bulk upload your meeting recordings, and supporting documents.

Please call us on +1 (202) 888-0899 +1 (604) 891-6228, or drop us an email on, or contact us online.

Meeting Moderation

We can help you moderate and facilitate your virtual meetings and events from end to end — from organizing, to scheduling, to hosting the meetings and events.

We understand the importance of having a good moderator who is able to listen, understands the objective of the meeting, and can lead the meeting towards the desired outcome, especially when the meetings are virtual where the members are dislocated and there are potential technical challenges.

For a small additional charge, we can take care of organizing, scheduling, and hosting all your virtual meetings.

We can moderate the virtual meetings using the appropriate tools where we can use video conferencing, share computer screen, and work online with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or other documents.

Our minute-takers are qualified to act as moderators.