Audio & Video Transcriptions

Our audio and video transcriptions are carried out by skilled professional transcriptionists working to your specific needs and deadlines.

Rough Draft

Rough Draft

  • ~90% accuracy average
  • Highlighted words for review
  • Same day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available
  • Timestamps available



  • Word for word transcript
  • Every utterance captured
  • 1-3 day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available
  • Timestamps available

Summary Notes

Summary Notes

  • Full participant responses captured
  • Summarized and focused content
  • Small talk, filler words removed
  • 1-3 day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available

Upload recordings to order meeting transcriptions

Service Options

We make ordering your transcripts quick, simple, and painless.

Upload Your Content

Select a transcription plan, and easily drag and drop your audio file into our online Portal.


In no time your order will be processed, and our platform will intelligently route your audio to our qualified transcribers.

Download Transcripts

You will be notified as soon as your transcripts are completed, and will be available to download.

Secure Archive

Optionally, we will securely archive your content on our secure encrypted cloud server with full data security compliance.

Rough Draft

25¢ per audio or video minute
  • Advanced speech recognition software
  • ~90% accuracy average
  • Highlighted words for review
  • Same day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available
  • Timestamps available
  • See sample transcript


$1.59 per audio or video minute
  • 100% human transcription
  • Word for word transcript
  • Every utterance captured
  • 1-3 day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available
  • Timestamps available
  • See sample transcript

Summary Notes

$1.99 per audio or video minute
  • Full participant responses captured
  • Summarized and focused content
  • Small talk and filler words removed
  • 1-3 day delivery
  • Speaker IDs available
  • Timestamps available
  • See sample transcript
We have a range of audio transcription services which include Verbatim and Summary Notes. So you can choose the right service to convert your audio to text. You can also request for timestamps and speaker identification to make your transcript easier to parse. If you need a quick rough draft transcription, we can you provide you that for a minimal charge with same day deilvery. All our audio transcriptions, except for the Rough Draft, are carried out by skilled professional transcriptionists, in order to ensure a perfect transcript every time.

Rough Draft

Our Rough Draft is a machine-generated transcript created with our industry-leading speech recognition technology. These transcripts are completed and delivered within few hours of placing your order. The accuracy of our speech algorithm is directly related to the quality of the audio file input. Background noise, volume differences between speakers, accents, etc. will all bring down the output quality quickly. It works best with clear audio.

Summary Notes

Summary Notes transcripts are summarized, more focused, and easy to review without losing any of the meaningful content. The transcripts may be paraphrased to remove any off-topic small talk and filler words. These transcripts are the ideal format for someone looking for a concise record of the facts. They let you understand the important things said, pick out key quotes and make practical decisions without being distracted with unnecessary detail.


Classic word for word transcript that captures every single word, literally every syllable that is uttered in an audio file including all umms, errs, etc., with full participant responses, and speaker differentiation. In addition, verbatim transcription also includes audible non-speech speaker sounds (e.g. applause, laughs, or coughs). It usually benefits law firms, law enforcement agencies, and news outlets where the exact details are critical.

Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of the meeting written in a legal format that highlight the key issues that are discussed, decisions made regarding each item on the agenda, motions proposed or voted on, outcomes of elections, and activities agreed upon or to be undertaken. We can document minutes of meetings from recordings taken over virtual meeting platforms like Zoom Meetings, over the phone or video calls, or from any other audio or video recordings.

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