Security Compliance

How do we keep your files safe and secure?

  • All your files are stored on secure encrypted cloud file server, protected by authorized access, and strict data security compliance.
  • We use Microsoft Azure to manage our cloud based infrastructure and Microsoft 365 to manage, store, and share all our files. Each platform encrypts files in transit and at rest, making them secured from data breach.
  • Your files are automatically encrypted upon transfer to and from our Microsoft cloud server, as well as they are stored in encrypted form all the time.
  • We use Microsoft 365 for strong granular access controls to ensure our staff only have access to what they need. Thus, your content is only accessible to the people specifically managing or working on your project which includes the minute-taker or recording secretary, the reviewer or editor, and the project manager. Moreover, access to our portal and server requires two-factor authentication, authorization, and it is restricted to specific whitelisted IP addresses and locations.
  • Our portal supports SSL/TLS and SHA-2 security protocols for a secure and encrypted connection, and to make sure your data is invisible to third parties.
  • All digitally archived sensitive files and transcription data are stored in encrypted Amazon S3 cloud storage.
  • All your audio or video files, meeting minutes, and transcriptions are destroyed immediately upon your request, or after 30 days of the service delivery unless opted for Digital Archival service.
  • Your privacy is our top priority. Hence, all our professionals have signed strict Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure agreements with us. This states that any information learned or shared during a meeting and specific to a board, organization, or corporation is sensitive, and not shared with any other parties outside of the minute-taker or recording secretary, the reviewer or editor, and the senior management.
  • Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

If you’d like to send us an inquiry, or request a quote for our services, please fill in the Request for Quote form and we'll respond to your inquiry the same day.
Alternatively, please call +1 (202) 888-0899+1 (604) 891-6228 if you would prefer to speak to us, or email